2022 AFRL/AFOSR Basic Research Art of Science Showcase

To honor the Air Force Research Laboratory's (AFRL) Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) 70 years of research innovation and to educate people around the world about the importance of basic research, we invite you to view this inaugural showcase of basic research inspired art.

Hannes Berniem, University of Chicago | Quantum Science
Hannes Berniem, University of Chicago       |  Quantum Science
Chicago Landmarks as Quantum Processors: Fluorescence image of individual cesium atoms (yellow) and rubidium atoms (blue). Each atom is trapped by an optical tweezer in vacuum. By controlling the optical tweezer positions we can assemble a quantum processor (left, scale bar 20um) or famous Chicago landmarks (right, scale bar 10um). | Contributors: Shraddha Anand, Kevin Singh, Hannes Bernien

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